"Off-market", "discreet sale", "unpublished offers" and even "gems" are just some of the common expressions defining an increasingly developing trend, as well as a method for effective and quick sales; in the dynamic real estate industry. Off-market sales strategies have become a convenient and effective outlet for both sellers and buyers.
By definition, this strategy involves presenting real estate offers to a specific group of clients without public announcement, thus creating an exclusive atmosphere for a potential real estate sale and purchase transaction.
1. Offers without publication on advertising portals
The main feature of "off the market" offers is the exclusion of such offered properties from advertising portals and making them available directly to a selected group of customers. This strategy arouses the interest of active buyers looking for opportunities on the market.
2. Trusted customer base
Cooperation with a group of trusted clients actively looking for real estate, investors and potential buyers and, of course, property owners is crucial. It is in these circles that information about off-market offers is shared, which allows for a more personalized and targeted approach.
The appropriate selection of a group of customers potentially interested in a given offer and its appropriate presentation is the essential premise of this strategy.
3. Visual marketing, i.e. preparing a sales offer
The "uniqueness" of "off the market" offers alone is not enough for complete success!
Each real estate offer requires a visual setting and presentation; we use our media tools to create sales offers: interior photography, video productions, and a virtual walk through tour.

4. Targeted marketing of offers, i.e. advertising campaigns
Creating tailored advertising campaigns for sales offers using social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) for a specific customer group or niche market, as well as geographical location, is another modern tool in customer acquisition. In a nutshell, this is a reversal of the situation in which the offer finds the customer, and not the other way around. Of course, we still maintain the aura of uniqueness by not publishing details, but only the key features of the offer.
5. Limited time off-market offers
Each "off the market" offer is intended to be time-limited. This approach encourages potential buyers to take decisive action, and on the other hand - it gives sellers the effect of often express transaction. Of course, the most important thing is the comfort when making key decisions, which we always provide.
To sum up, by combining networks of contacts, unconventional strategies and targeted marketing, together with our clients we can unlock the hidden opportunities that are inherently associated with "off the market" market.
We invite you to refine your real estate search today or submit a property for sale "off the market".
